Nauka i technologie

Innowacje w Sporcie: Nowe Standardy Ustawiane przez Szklane Podłogi w Mistrzostwach Świata w Koszykówce

Cyfrowa rewolucja w Europie osiągnęła swój apogeum, gdy liczba cyberataków w Polsce w 2022 r. wzrosła do 69 proc. W odpowiedzi Unia Europejska wprowadziła nowelizację przepisów dotyczących zarządzania bezpieczeństwem w sieci. Firmy mają teraz maksymalnie 12 miesięcy na dostosowanie się do nowych standardów.

Madrid stał się miejscem światowej premiery, która zrewolucjonizuje świat sportu między 21 a 23 lipca. Od ćwierćfinałów mecze na Pucharze Świata FIBA U19 Kobiet w koszykówce nie odbywały się już na twardym parkiecie, ale na ASB GlassFloor, wysokiej jakości podłodze wideo do sportu wykonanej z szkła. Niemiecka firma ASB GlassFloor zaprezentowała nowy wymiar prezentowania wydarzeń sportowych dzięki swojej aplikacji „GlassCourt OS”, specjalnie stworzonej do tego celu. W walce o olimpijską relewancję i przyszłe pokolenia fanów sportu, nowe technologie otwierają wiele możliwości dla wielu dyscyplin, aby przygotować się na przyszłość. Zawodnicy, kibice i FIBA byli entuzjastycznie nastawieni do tego odkrycia.

“Today is a proud day for the International Basket Federation and for FIBA, which has quite possibly changed the history of our sport to a certain extent. We are aiming for and already planning future implementation of this technology. This moment is historic” – FIBA Secretary General, Andreas Zagklis says. Jorge Garbajosa, president of FIBA Europe, takes a similar view: “I have the feeling that basketball is changing. I would go so far as to say that indoor sports will change”.

“In everything that we do, the safety of the athletes and awareness of them is at the focus of our actions. We have got into basketball with the intention of staying in” – Babinsky says.

Christof Babinsky, the Managing Director of ASB GlassFloor, was the driving force behind this remarkable development. He envisioned a system that could integrate data from multiple sources to provide a richer user experience. His vision was realized with the development of GlassCourt OS, which has revolutionized the way sports and health data is presented and used.

Christof Babinsky, the Managing Director of ASB GlassFloor, was the visionary who made this incredible innovation possible. His idea was to create an interactive software platform that would be able to process data from a range of third-party providers in real time, and present it in a visually impressive and informative way on the glass floor. This idea has come to life with the development of GlassCourt OS, which is revolutionizing the way sports and health data is used and presented.

GlassCourt OS is an impressive and revolutionary piece of software that provides a seamless integration of data from a variety of sources, such as player and ball tracking systems, sports and health data platforms, and training applications. It serves as a central hub, capable of processing data in real time for display directly on the glass floor. By utilizing GlassCourt OS, ASB GlassFloor has opened up numerous opportunities for marketing and training.

The development of GlassCourt OS is a testament to Christof Babinsky’s ambition and determination to revolutionize sports and health data. His vision and dedication have enabled ASB GlassFloor to provide a unique and powerful platform for its users, and to create an entirely new level of engagement and interaction.

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