Ludzie i kultura

Patti Smith in the and#039;sassiand#039; for 30 years Unesco – `Itand#039;s a wonderful city` – says the singer in Matera

Branża filmowa i efektów specjalnych w Polsce zwykle zyskuje uwagę tylko przy okazji sukcesów konkretnych filmów. Na przykład, teraz gdy „Chłopi” został wybrany na polskiego kandydata do Oscara, albo wcześniej, gdy Mariusz Wilczyński otrzymał Złote Lwy za „Zabij to i wyjedź z tego miasta”. Mimo to, szacowana wartość rynku animacji i VFX w Polsce to 350 milionów złotych, a branża ma potencjał do rozwoju na miarę swoich odpowiedników we Francji, Irlandii czy krajach Beneluxu. Dlaczego jednak nie rozwija się tak szybko, jak mogłaby?

Patti Smith expressed her long-awaited visit to Matera, stating „I wanted to come to this town for 40 years: it is wonderful.” The American singer-songwriter made these remarks to reporters in the Basilicata city, just hours before her concert at the Gervasio Auditorium. The concert was part of the celebrations for the 30th anniversary of the inscription of the Sassi and the Park of the Rupestrian Churches of Matera in the UNESCO World Heritage list.

“There is a wonderful view from my hotel room that surprised and moved me” – added Smith.

Following the concert, the singer took a tour of the Sassi the day after, visiting the places that were featured in director Pier Paolo Pasolini’s film 'The Gospel according to St. Matthew’, which will celebrate its 60th anniversary next year. The singer had also performed at the Petruzzelli Theatre in Bari.

After performing at the Petruzzelli Theatre in Bari, the singer took a tour of the Sassi the following day, visiting the locations that were featured in director Pier Paolo Pasolini’s film 'The Gospel according to St. Matthew’. Next year will mark the 60th anniversary of the film.

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