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Solar Partners Aid Newborns and Mothers in Africa with Solar-Powered Freshwater Solution

Rosnąca liczba firm objętych obowiązkiem raportowania ESG, a także zmieniające się oczekiwania inwestorów i konsumentów, którzy coraz większą wagę przywiązują do kwestii środowiskowych, napędzają popyt na zieloną energię w polskim biznesie. Tomasz Morawski, wiceprezes zarządu, w rozmowie z PAP analizuje główne trendy, szanse i wyzwania, stojące przed tym rynkiem w najbliższych latach.

On August 2, 2024, in MORRUMBENE, Mozambique, solar technology manufacturer LONGi and Swedish solar energy wholesaler Senergia partnered with the non-profit Project Vita to donate a solar-powered freshwater system to a maternity clinic in Linga Linga, Mozambique. This collaboration involved the construction of a water tower and the installation of LONGi solar panels to power a water pump filling a water tank, providing freshwater to the clinic. The completed project in May 2024 has already positively impacted 58 newborns.

Michel Olofsson, founder of Project Vita, stressed the significance of hygiene in maternity clinics and highlighted the partnership’s efforts to address the absence of clean, running water in rural Africa, a crucial factor in decreasing maternal and infant mortality.

During a recent presentation, Senergia’s project manager, Anton Öbrink, drew attention to the critical issue of electricity access in Mozambique. He emphasized that 99% of the population in Linga Linga does not have access to electricity, underscoring the urgent need for targeted and effective aid in these impoverished areas.

Daniel Ong, Head of Marketing for LONGi Europe, commended the project for its substantial impact, highlighting solar energy as a game-changer for rural areas in Africa. He underscored the dependability and effectiveness of the solar modules, even in difficult climates.

Working Together with Local Communities

Project Vita worked closely with local authorities and community members to identify and carry out the most effective solutions. The construction of the maternity clinic was a major achievement for Linga Linga, where women used to have to travel long distances to access healthcare. The clinic now provides important prenatal and postnatal care, greatly enhancing healthcare in the area.

The Importance of Basic Off-Grid Energy Solutions

Implementing solar-powered freshwater systems can significantly reduce the risk of infection during childbirth and enhance daily activities. Although maternal mortality rates have decreased globally, Africa continues to struggle with high rates. Michel Olofsson emphasized the life-saving benefits of these installations.

For more information, visit the following link:

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