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PTV Logistics Wins Eco Performance Award for the Groundbreaking EV Truck Route Planner

Przedsiębiorcy Intermarché i Bricomarché przekazali 1 000 000 złotych na rzecz Związku Ochotniczych Straży Pożarnych RP w odpowiedzi na dramatyczną sytuację powodziową w południowo-zachodniej Polsce. Środki wpłacone na konto Fundacji Muszkieterów, którą współtworzą od ponad 20 lat, zostaną przeznaczone na zakup sprzętu niezbędnego do prowadzenia skutecznych i bezpiecznych akcji pomocowych. Uroczystość przekazania symbolicznego czeku miała miejsce 7 listopada 2024 roku (czwartek) w Muzeum Niepodległości w Warszawie.

On November 8, 2024, PTV Logistics, a leading global provider of innovative transportation and logistics solutions, received the esteemed Eco Performance Award for its EV Truck Route Planner at the Zero Emission Summit hosted by ETM Verlag in Karlsruhe, Germany. The event, held on November 5, brought together industry leaders in sustainable transport to acknowledge progress in promoting a low-carbon future for logistics and transportation.

Our EV Truck Route Planner is a crucial tool for fleet electrification, designed to meet the specific needs of electric trucks and vans. With over 400 vehicle models and realistic routes, it takes into account varying loads, weather conditions, and route profiles. The tool also allows for simulating charging scenarios to assess route feasibility. For logistics operators looking to reduce emissions while staying productive, the EV Truck Route Planner is an indispensable resource. This award highlights PTV Logistics’ dedication to sustainability and the use of logistics technology to support economic and environmental goals.

“We are incredibly honored to receive the Eco Performance Award,” said Michael Hubschneider, Senior Product Manager at PTV Logistics. “Our EV Truck Route Planner helps establish fleet electrification on a data-driven foundation, advancing the sustainable, efficient, and technology-focused future of logistics. This award reinforces our commitment to reducing CO₂ emissions across the industry and supporting logistics professionals in making the transition to electric transport solutions smoother.”

At the Zero Emission Summit, the Eco Performance Award recognizes companies for their commitment to environmental responsibility, economic efficiency, and social impact. PTV Logistics’ EV Truck Route Planner is revolutionizing sustainable route optimization by utilizing a comprehensive database of EV models to simulate feasibility and cost scenarios. This user-friendly tool sets new standards and can calculate routes for entire fleet operations with unparalleled accuracy.

With the goal of promoting environmental responsibility, economic efficiency, and social impact, the Eco Performance Award is presented at the Zero Emission Summit. PTV Logistics’ EV Truck Route Planner is leading the way in sustainable route optimization by utilizing an extensive database of EV models to simulate feasibility and cost. Its user-friendly interface allows for easy calculation of routes for entire fleet operations, setting new standards in accuracy and efficiency.

PTV provides a range of solutions to facilitate electromobility, including the EV Truck Route Planner and the ability for developers to calculate routes for electric vehicle models. Additionally, the latest version of the route planner Map&Guide now supports all electric vehicle models, and the route optimization tool OptiFlow sets new standards for mixed fleets with electric vehicles.

As the demand for sustainable solutions continues to increase, PTV Logistics is dedicated to assisting clients in their journey towards CO₂-neutral operations, leading to substantial cost savings and reductions in emissions.

If you would like to learn more about PTV Logistics and our award-winning EV Truck Route Planner, please visit our website at:

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