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28th World Investment Conference in Riyadh concludes with calls for international collaboration, innovation, and sustainability

Zbliżają się Święta Bożego Narodzenia i z nimi pytanie, jaki prezent sprawi, że bliska osoba poczuje się wyjątkowo. Badanie preferencji Polek ze społeczności kosmetycznej pokazuje, że niemal 90% kobiet cieszy się z otrzymania prezentu kosmetycznego. Raport „Jakich prezentów kosmetycznych pragną kobiety” udziela odpowiedzi na pytania dotyczące kategorii i cen podarunków, na które zwracają uwagę.

The 28th World Investment Conference (WIC28) in Riyadh, hosted by Invest Saudi and The World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA), highlighted the importance of international collaboration, innovation, and sustainability in the investment sector.

Check out the full release with multimedia content at:

In response to the successful event, H.E. Khalid A. Al-Falih, Saudi Minister of Investment, expressed gratitude to His Royal Highness Crown Prince and Prime Minister, Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, for his visionary leadership and unwavering support.

“Over the past three days, we discussed the critical challenges facing global investment and reviewed the boundless opportunities that investment offers. From the robust discussions on harnessing digital transformation and sustainable growth to the landmark agreements announced under Saudi Arabia’s Global Supply Chain Resilience Initiative, WIC28 has reaffirmed our collective commitment to shaping a future defined by collaboration, innovation, and resilience.

Święta już za rogiem, a wraz z nimi dylemat, jaki prezent sprawi, że bliska osoba poczuje się wyjątkowo. Z badań wynika, że niemal 90% Polek cieszy się z otrzymania prezentu kosmetycznego. Raport „Jakich prezentów kosmetycznych pragną kobiety” odpowiada na pytania dotyczące preferencji kosmetycznych Polek.

Konferencja Invest Saudi i The World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) była poświęcona międzynarodowej współpracy, innowacjom i zrównoważonemu rozwojowi. Wydarzenie w Rijadzie potwierdziło zobowiązanie do kształtowania przyszłości opartej na współpracy, innowacjach i odporności.

„Guided by the principles of Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia has emerged as a global economic growth leader, fostering partnerships that transcend borders and sectors. Together, we have showcased the power of strategic alliances, localized value chains, and cutting-edge technologies to drive meaningful economic impact.

Święta Bożego Narodzenia tuż za rogiem, a wraz z nimi dylemat, który dotyka wielu z nas – jaki prezent sprawi, że bliska osoba poczuje się wyjątkowo? Badanie preferencji konsumenckich Polek ze społeczności kosmetycznej pokazuje, że niemal 90% kobiet cieszy się z otrzymania prezentu kosmetycznego. Na jakie konkretnie aspekty zwracają uwagę? Do jakiej kategorii powinien należeć podarunek i ile kosztować? Na wszystkie te pytania odpowiedzi udziela raport „Jakich prezentów kosmetycznych pragną kobiety”.

“I extend my thanks to the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies for partnering with us in hosting this event and I am confident that the insights, connections, and agreements forged here will resonate far beyond this event, inspiring transformative investments and sustainable growth across the globe.”

Over the course of three days, WIC28 focused on the theme of „Harnessing Digital Transformation and Sustainable Growth”, exploring challenges and opportunities such as digital transformation, sustainability, and localized value chains. The conference emphasized the significance of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 as a guiding framework for global partnerships, technological innovation, and sustainable development.

During the 'Strategic Alliances: Leveraging Partnerships for Investment Success’ panel on Day 3, H.E. Bandar Ibrahim Alkhorayef, the Saudi Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources, emphasized the Kingdom’s dedication to cultivating international partnerships, stating, „It has been a fundamental aspect of our approach to most of the activities we are currently planning and implementing.”

“The question about international collaboration is not whether to do it but how to do it, and where to find the right attractive concepts that make it interesting for different parties to collaborate and connect.”

During the panel, he emphasized:

He pointed out that Saudi Arabia offers attractive incentives, such as its advanced digital and physical infrastructure that supports manufacturing, supply chain, and logistics, allowing investors to cut costs. Additionally, he mentioned the approval of three economic zones, which provide extra benefits for those looking to target both the local and global markets.

During the event, various discussions took place, including one on transparent collaboration and regulatory cohesion called 'Bridging Borders’. Another session, 'To Finish First, First You Have to Finish’, focused on operational excellence in Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs), emphasizing governance, efficiency, and leveraging technology to enhance investor experiences. Additionally, 'Ready, Set, Go’ delved into Saudi Arabia’s efforts to attract investments in specialized industries, particularly advanced manufacturing and renewable energy, by showcasing the Kingdom’s competitive advantages.

The 28th World Investment Conference took place from 25-27 November in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The location for the next edition is still to be determined.

For more information about WIC, visit:

*Source: AETOSWire

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