The City of Innsbruck has announced the launch of the Europe-wide Call for Applications for the Emperor-Maximilian-Prize 2026.
The Emperor-Maximilian-Prize, which comes with a 10,000 Euro award, is given every two years to recognize exceptional projects and initiatives that creatively and sustainably tackle current and future challenges of European society. Nominations for the Emperor-Maximilian-Prize 2026 can be submitted across Europe starting from January 22, 2025.
„We are all Europe – only a shared identity defines this Europe. Therefore, we are very pleased to once again highlight creative initiatives from all over Europe with the Emperor-Maximilian-Prize this year. All of these projects carry forward the forward-thinking spirit of the European community. Because the challenges of tomorrow demand unconventional, creative solutions. We are happy to honor them with this prize!” invites Innsbruck’s mayor, Johannes Anzengruber, the creative minds of Europe to submit their initiatives.
This year, the Emperor-Maximilian-Prize is looking for flagship projects across Europe under the theme „young-european-united.” These projects should serve as role models for young people, showing them how they can contribute to shaping the future of European society. Initiatives that offer creative, sustainable, and collaborative solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s challenges are encouraged to apply, regardless of their location within Europe.
Termin składania wniosków: 27 marca
Od 22 stycznia 2025 r. można składać projekty na nagrodę Cesarza Maksymiliana 2026, a termin składania wniosków kończy się 27 marca 2025 r. Wnioski można składać za pomocą formularza online w języku angielskim na stronie Dokumenty aplikacyjne są dostępne w 35 różnych językach. Jury ekspertów wybierze zwycięzcę nagrody w maju 2025 r. Nagroda zostanie przyznana wiosną 2026 r. – w tym nagroda pieniężna w wysokości 10 000 euro dla zwycięskiego projektu.