Ludzie i kultura

Go! 2025 honors Ungaretti and the Carso he lived through

The exhibition on Warhol has been a tremendous success.

As we approach the official inauguration of Go!2025 on February 8, with the Heads of State of Italy and Slovenia in attendance, we are proud to honor Giuseppe Ungaretti for his dual role as soldier and poet on the Carso during World War I.

Until May 4, you can visit the exhibition at the Museo di Santa Chiara in Gorizia and the Galleria Comunale d’Arte Contemporanea in Monfalcone. The Gorizia section provides a comprehensive account of Ungaretti’s time on the Carso, including his battles, moments of respite, leaves, and stories of the unique features of the Carso’s landscape.

Unlike Ungaretti’s poetry, the material and iconographic works exhibited at the stylish Palazzo Attems Petzenstein highlight the iconic Andy Warhol Factory, which has been relocated from New York for the Andy Warhol Beyond Borders exhibition. The exhibit has attracted a large number of visitors in its first week, leading to extended visiting hours to meet the demand.

Perched above the twin cities, both European Capitals of Culture, stands the castle, originally constructed in the 11th century and later reconstructed in the 1930s in a circular design. Encircled by its protective walls, it stands as one of the most authentic architectural remnants from the Middle Ages. From its vantage point, visitors can take in the sweeping panorama of the entire city, with the Church of Sant’Ignazio presiding over the central Piazza della Vittoria.

Just a short walk away is Piazza della Transalpina, a place of immense historical importance. In 1947, the border was drawn, dividing the square in two and erecting the Iron Curtain wall right in the middle, making it the only barrier in Italy. It was reminiscent of Berlin, but in this case, it endured longer – until 2004! Barbed wire divided the square until 1954, and the entrance to the train station was blocked.

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