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Elatec Brings Employee Badge for Apple Wallet to Users

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Elatec has announced the introduction of employee badge in Apple Wallet for its customers, allowing employees or tenants to conveniently access locations and devices with their iPhone or Apple Watch. The Mobile Credential Manager software, in conjunction with Elatec’s universal RFID readers, offers a seamless and powerful mobile access system for organizations.

With the employee badge feature in Apple Wallet, users can enjoy a convenient and contactless experience. By securely adding their employee badge to Apple Wallet, they can simply hold their iPhone or Apple Watch near an NFC reader to access office doors, turnstiles, elevators, and key card-protected areas without the need for a traditional access key or app.

Express Mode allows employees to use their badge in Apple Wallet without unlocking their device. Even if their iPhone needs to be charged, employees can still access their office or amenity areas with Power Reserve.

Workers can easily add their employee badge to Apple Wallet by using the Elatec Access app. This eliminates the waiting time for new employees to gain building credentials and access. The Elatec Mobile Credential Manager simplifies the management of passes, allowing for easy issuing, revoking, and auditing. Administrators can quickly adjust access permissions in real time to meet security needs. The software seamlessly integrates with existing Elatec access control hardware, ensuring a smooth transition to Apple Wallet passes.

Apple Wallet stores employee badges on the user’s device, utilizing the privacy and security features of iPhone and Apple Watch. When an employee uses their badge in Apple Wallet, it remains private and is not shared with Apple or stored on their servers. If the iPhone or Apple Watch is lost, the owner can use the Find My app to lock the device and locate it quickly.

Mobilne uwierzytelnianie

System mobilnego uwierzytelniania rewolucjonizuje branżę dostępu. Odznaki oparte na smartfonach są wygodniejsze dla użytkowników końcowych, a dla organizacji są prostsze i bardziej oszczędne.

Z nowym systemem mobilnego uwierzytelniania dla Apple Wallet, Elatec sprawił, że korzystanie z urządzeń mobilnych stało się jeszcze łatwiejsze. Połączenie czytników uniwersalnych i oprogramowania do uwierzytelniania mobilnego sprawia, że przejście na mobilne karty jest proste i bezproblemowe.

Elatec has been at the forefront of the shift towards mobile access technologies. Their versatile TWN4 multi-technology readers are compatible with both traditional RFID badges and smartphone-based credentialing systems for iOS using NFC.

About Elatec

Elatec is a global leader in user authentication and identification solutions, working with partners worldwide to develop innovative access systems. Their cutting-edge multi-frequency readers, advanced authentication software, and top-notch service and support are driving digital transformation for customers and partners. These breakthrough solutions provide optimal user experiences and are used in a variety of applications and industries, including access control, fleet management, machine authentication, electric vehicle charging, secure printing, and kiosks. Established in 1988 and headquartered in Munich, Germany, Elatec now has a presence in 19 locations globally. For more information, visit

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