Wiadomości Polska Biznes i finanse H.I.G. Capital Raises 1.3 Billion USD for Infrastructure Fund
Biznes i finanse

H.I.G. Capital Raises 1.3 Billion USD for Infrastructure Fund

W trakcie trzydniowego wydarzenia wzięło udział ponad 7000 zarejestrowanych uczestników z ponad 40 krajów Azji i Pacyfiku oraz całego świata, a także 238 wystawców.

H.I.G. Capital, a global alternative asset management firm with 64 billion USD of capital under management, is excited to announce the successful closing of H.I.G. Infrastructure Partners (the “Fund”). The Fund received approximately 1.3 billion USD in capital commitments from investors. [1]

H.I.G. Infrastructure Partners is dedicated to making control-oriented investments in infrastructure equity, with a focus on the middle market. The company leverages its expertise in operational value creation and its focus on the middle market to drive success. So far, the Fund has made seven investments in North America and Europe, with two more expected to close in Q3 2024.

Jesteśmy wdzięczni naszym inwestorom za silne wsparcie naszej strategii infrastrukturalnej. Ich zaufanie do naszego podejścia inwestycyjnego do infrastruktury podkreśla siłę naszej platformy i naszą zdolność do generowania silnych zwrotów poprzez tworzenie wartości na niedosłużonym rynku średniego przedziału.

Andrew Liau and Ed Pallesen, Co-Heads of H.I.G. Infrastructure, expressed their confidence in the Fund’s ability to take advantage of opportunities in the middle market. They highlighted H.I.G.’s unique platform and sourcing model, as well as their resources focused on operational value creation, as key factors that will enable them to generate strong returns in the face of higher interest rates and macro volatility.Jordan Peer Griffin, Executive Managing Director and Global Head of Capital Formation, emphasized the unique investment strategy of H.I.G. in Infrastructure, which focuses on implementing hands-on value creation in the middle market. The strong support from both existing and new investors worldwide for the Fund is a testament to the confidence in H.I.G.’s approach.

The Fund received support from a wide range of limited partners worldwide, including sovereign wealth funds, public and private sector pensions, insurance companies, asset managers, consultants, foundations, endowments, and family offices in North America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

Our services also include separately managed accounts.

About H.I.G. Capital

H.I.G. Capital is a global alternative investment firm managing $64 billion in capital.* Headquartered in Miami, with additional offices in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco in the United States, as well as international affiliate offices in Hamburg, London, Luxembourg, Madrid, Milan, Paris, Bogotá, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Dubai, H.I.G. specializes in providing both debt and equity capital to mid-sized companies, utilizing a flexible and operationally focused/value-added approach:

Od momentu założenia w 1993 roku, H.I.G. zainwestował i zarządzał ponad 400 firmami na całym świecie. Obecnie portfolio firmy obejmuje ponad 100 firm o łącznych obrotach przekraczających 53 miliardy dolarów. Więcej informacji można znaleźć na stronie internetowej H.I.G. pod adresem hig.com.

Informacja pochodzi z serwisu: pap-mediaroom.pl

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