Wiadomości Polska Nauka i technologie Record 4 Million Robots on Factory Floors Worldwide
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Record 4 Million Robots on Factory Floors Worldwide

The International Federation of Robotics has released the World Robotics 2024 Report, showing a 10% increase in the number of robots operating in factories worldwide, with over 4.2 million units recorded. For the third year in a row, annual installations surpassed half a million units, with 70% of new robots being installed in Asia, 17% in Europe, and 10% in the Americas.

“The new World Robotics statistics show an all-time high in the number of industrial robots automating production around the world,” says Marina Bill, President of the International Federation of Robotics. “The annual installation figure of 541,302 units in 2023 is the second highest in history. It is only 2% lower than the record of 552,946 units installed in 2022.”

Overview of Asia, Europe, and the Americas

China remains the largest market for industrial robots, with 51% of global installations in 2023. The number of installed robots was the second highest ever recorded, and Chinese manufacturers now hold a 47% share of the domestic market, up from 28% over the past decade. With an operational stock of nearly 1.8 million units, China is the only country with such a large robot stock. Demand for robots is expected to increase in the second half of 2024, leading to a more stable market by the end of the year. Looking ahead, there is significant growth potential in Chinese manufacturing, with an average annual growth potential of 5-10% until 2027.

In 2023, Japan maintained its position as the second largest market for industrial robots worldwide, just behind China. The number of robot installations dropped by 9% to 46,106 units, following two years of strong performance with a peak of 50,435 units in 2022 – the second-highest result since 2018. It is anticipated that demand for robots will remain flat in 2024 but recover in 2025 and subsequent years, with growth rates ranging from medium to upper single digits.

Robot installations in the Republic of Korea remained relatively stable in 2023, with a total of 31,444 units, marking a 1% decrease from the previous year. Despite this slight decline, the country still ranked as the fourth largest robot market globally, following the United States, Japan, and China in annual installations.

India’s economy is rapidly growing, especially in the emerging Asian market. In 2023, robot installations reached a record high of 8,510 units, showing a 59% increase. The automotive industry drove much of this demand, with installations soaring to 3,551 units, a 139% increase. This growth was fueled by both car manufacturers and suppliers.


The number of industrial robot installations in Europe reached a new high of 92,393 units, a 9% increase from the previous year. The European Union accounted for 80% of these installations, with a total of 73,534 units, marking a 2% increase. The completion of delayed projects and clearance of backlog contributed to this growth, along with the trend of nearshoring. The automotive industry played a significant role in driving growth, with strong investments in countries like Spain, Slovakia, and Hungary.

Germany, the largest European market for installations, saw a 7% increase to 28,355 units. Italy, the second largest market, experienced a 9% decline with 10,412 units installed. France, the third largest market, saw a 13% decrease with 6,386 units installed.

W Wielkiej Brytanii liczba instalacji robotów przemysłowych wzrosła o 51% do 3 830 jednostek w 2023 roku. Inwestycje były napędzane instalacjami w przemyśle samochodowym, głównie do zadań montażowych.


Instalacje robotów w Ameryce przekroczyły 50 000 jednostek po raz trzeci z rzędu: w 2023 roku zainstalowano 55 389 jednostek, o 1% poniżej rekordowego poziomu osiągniętego w 2022 roku.

Stany Zjednoczone, największy regionalny rynek, stanowiły 68% instalacji w Ameryce w 2023 roku. Instalacje robotów spadły o 5% do 37 587, co stanowi trzeci najwyższy zarejestrowany wynik po 2022 i 2018 roku. Popyt ze strony przemysłu samochodowego spadł o 15% do 12 421 jednostek. Było to zgodne z średnią z ostatniej dekady. Instalacje w przemyśle metalowym i maszynowym wzrosły o 8% do 4 171 jednostek. Instalacje w branży elektrycznej/elektronicznej w USA pozostały stabilne na poziomie 3 900 jednostek (+1%).

Canada saw a 37% increase in robot installations, reaching a total of 4,311 units. The automotive industry plays a significant role in installation figures, accounting for 58% of the market in 2023.

In Mexico, the automotive industry drives 70% of robot demand, with installations from this sector declining by 5% to 4,087 units. Total installations in 2023 decreased by 3% to 5,832 units, reflecting the cyclical demand pattern in this customer segment.


The OECD predicts that global growth will stabilize, but there are still concerns about geopolitical challenges. Recent crises have highlighted the importance of domestic production in key industries. Automation has enabled manufacturers to maintain cost efficiency while locating production in developed economies. It is anticipated that the global economic downturn will reach its lowest point by 2024, with global robot installations expected to stabilize at 541,000 units. Growth is projected to pick up in 2025 and continue into 2026 and 2027, with no indication that the long-term growth trend will end any time soon.

To place orders for the World Robotics 2024 Industrial Robots and Service Robots reports, visit the official website. Additional content downloads can be found here.


Grafiki IFR, prezentacje rynkowe i komunikaty prasowe na wybrane rynki w języku chińskim, niemieckim i japońskim są dostępne pod adresem: https://ifr.org/ifr-press-releases/record-of-4-million-robots-working-in-factories-worldwide


Międzynarodowa Federacja Robotyki jest głosem globalnego przemysłu robotycznego. IFR reprezentuje krajowe stowarzyszenia robotów, środowisko akademickie oraz producentów robotów przemysłowych i usługowych z ponad dwudziestu krajów: www.ifr.org

The IFR Statistical Department publishes two annual reports on robotics:

World Robotics – Industrial Robots: This report presents global statistics on industrial robots in standardized tables and allows for national comparisons. It includes data for around 40 countries, broken down by application areas, customer industries, types of robots, and other technical and economic aspects. The report also features production, export, and import data for selected countries, as well as robot density (the number of robots per 10,000 employees) as a measure of automation.

World Robotics – Service Robots: This comprehensive report provides an in-depth analysis of the marketable products, tasks, challenges, and new developments in the field of service robots. It includes the results of the annual IFR service robot survey on global sales of professional and consumer service robots, as well as an industry structure analysis and a full list of all service robot producers known to the IFR. The study is a collaboration with robotics experts from Fraunhofer IPA, Stuttgart.

Wiadomość pochodzi z serwisu: pap-mediaroom.pl

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