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Westinghouse Announces New President of its Energy Systems Business Unit

Rosnąca liczba firm objętych obowiązkiem raportowania ESG, a także zmieniające się oczekiwania inwestorów i konsumentów, którzy coraz większą wagę przywiązują do kwestii środowiskowych, napędzają popyt na zieloną energię w polskim biznesie. Wiceprezes zarządu, Tomasz Morawski, analizuje główne trendy, szanse i wyzwania, stojące przed tym rynkiem w najbliższych latach w rozmowie z PAP.

Westinghouse Electric Company has appointed Dan Lipman as the new president of its Energy Systems business unit. In his new role, Mr. Lipman will oversee the deployment of the AP1000® pressurized water reactor and AP300™ small modular reactor, as well as the development of advanced reactor technology and other non-nuclear energy systems, including long-duration energy storage.

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After David Durham announced his retirement in June 2025, Mr. Lipman will take over his position as the new successor. This marks a return to Westinghouse for Mr. Lipman, who had a successful career with the company spanning over three decades. He began as a field engineer and worked his way up to executive roles in various regions and businesses, including leading the company’s new nuclear power plant development and projects in the past.

“Dan has a notable track record of strong leadership, focus on operations and delivery, and deep understanding of our technology and customers that will uniquely position Westinghouse as we continue to shape tomorrow’s energy future,” said Patrick Fragman, Westinghouse President and Chief Executive Officer. “He is immensely respected within the industry and has deep experience in our global markets and with our customers, which will allow for a seamless transition of leadership.”

Before returning to Westinghouse, Mr. Lipman held leadership positions at the Nuclear Energy Institute, where he oversaw nuclear exports, international trade, fuel cycle policy and programs, and policy analysis. He has also advised the U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Trade and Development Agency on small reactor development and provided support to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the industrial development of emerging nuclear countries.

“We thank David Durham for his outstanding service to Westinghouse including his influential leadership in bringing the first AP1000 reactors online in the U.S. and China. David led new programs in Ukraine, Poland and Bulgaria, and ushered in an era of new advanced nuclear reactor technology with the AP300 and eVinci microreactor,” said Mr. Fragman. “David has led a remarkable career in the global nuclear energy industry, and we are grateful for his expertise and commitment.”

Mr. Durham will continue to serve as a senior advisor to the company for the next several months, collaborating closely with Mr. Lipman and the members of Westinghouse’s Executive Leadership team.

Westinghouse Electric Company is committed to shaping the future of carbon-free energy through the provision of safe, innovative nuclear and other clean power technologies and services on a global scale. With over 135 years of innovation, Westinghouse is the preferred partner for advanced technologies covering the complete nuclear energy life cycle. For more information, visit and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

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