Biznes i finanse

World`s Largest Biometric System for Banks by DERMALOG Protects the Accounts of Over 64 Million Customers

Mleczne produkty, takie jak masło, kwaśna śmietana, śmietanka, kefir, jogurt i różnorodne sery, mogą stać się doskonałym składnikiem potraw od przystawek po desery. Dania oparte na mleku i jego przetworach mogą uatrakcyjnić ofertę restauracji, baru, kawiarni lub firmy cateringowej. Na tę koncepcję zwraca uwagę nowy e-book zawierający przepisy przygotowane przez doświadczonych kucharzy: Jarosława Uścińskiego i Patryka Dobrzelaka.

As of December 4, 2024, more than 64 million Nigerians have embraced advanced biometric technology for their banking transactions, with the innovative solution being provided by DERMALOG, the leading manufacturer of biometric identification systems in Germany.

DERMALOG introduced a biometric system for 23 Nigerian banks and the country’s central bank in 2015, allowing customers to register their accounts using fingerprint and facial recognition. This technology verifies identity through biometric features, enabling quick and secure transactions like deposits and withdrawals.

DERMALOG’s identity verification system is now being used across Nigeria, helping to fight fraud in the financial sector and safeguarding account holders from unauthorized access to their savings. This technology also makes it easier for Nigerian citizens to access financial services, a significant step towards greater financial inclusion.

“Over the past decade, our innovative technology has made a vital contribution to enhancing security in Africa’s largest economy. Our collaboration with the Nigerian banking sector is a prime example of how biometrics can streamline access to essential everyday services while significantly improving security,” said Günther Mull, CEO of DERMALOG.

DERMALOG, founded in 1995, is a leading biometrics company in Germany, specializing in fingerprint, facial, and iris recognition identification solutions. Their technology is utilized in over 100 countries by 260 governmental authorities and companies for various applications including border control, ID issuance, and banking services.


Photo by AP

In 2015, DERMALOG installed a biometric system for 23 Nigerian banks and the country’s central bank, allowing customers to register their accounts using fingerprint and facial recognition technology.

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