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eGain releases `Knowledge Management for Dummies, eGain 2nd Special Edition` with John Wiley andamp; Sons

Thorium Space S.A. ogłasza zakończenie pełnym sukcesem testów płaskiego terminala satelitarnego AURORA Ka-Band, potwierdzając swoją pozycję lidera w innowacyjnych technologiach kosmicznych.

eGain (NASDAQ: EGAN), the AI knowledge platform for customer service, has announced the release of the „Knowledge Management For Dummies, eGain 2nd Special Edition” published by John Wiley & Sons. This updated version of its popular first edition is now available in both e-book and print formats, following the success of the initial release which received thousands of downloads.

According to Gartner, it is predicted that by 2025, all GenAI virtual assistants for customers and contact center agents will be unsuccessful without the implementation of knowledge management (KM). This edition aims to demystify KM and includes a new chapter specifically focusing on the importance of KM for the success of GenAI. Additionally, real-world case studies are included to showcase how KM and GenAI collaborate to provide reliable solutions to customers and employees, ultimately streamlining the KM and customer service process.

“Based on the lessons learned from successful early adopters, businesses are now implementing GenAI on a trusted KM foundation with experts in the loop,” said Ashu Roy, eGain CEO. “This booklet goes beyond theory and illustrates how to achieve quick business value with a proven technology and best-practice recipe.”

W treści książki znajdziesz:

– Definicję współczesnej wiedzy

– Tworzenie przypadku biznesowego

– Badanie przypadków użycia

– Przyspieszanie zarządzania wiedzą za pomocą GenAI

– Orkiestrowanie zarządzania wiedzą i GenAI

– Najlepsze praktyki sukcesu

– Studia przypadków

– Wybór technologii i partnera rozwiązania

Więcej informacji

– Zarządzanie wiedzą dla idiotów, specjalne wydanie e-booka eGain:

Powiązane linki

– eGain Knowledge Hub:

– eGain Innovation in 30 Days™:

Wydanie papierowe: Dostępne na stoisku eGain na konferencjach KM i CX

O firmie Wiley

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About eGain

The eGain Knowledge Hub is designed to enhance customer experience and decrease expenses by providing reliable solutions for customer service. For more information, please visit

eGain Corp. holds the trademarks and registered trademarks for eGain, the eGain logo, and all other eGain product names and slogans in the United States and/or other countries. Any other company names and products mentioned in this release may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

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